Duration |
1950 Jun 27, 02h30m | Aristarchus | Blue glare, base inner W wall | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1950 Jun 27 | Herodotus | Bright point in crater | Bartlett | Strol. Astr. 1962 |
1950 Jun 28, 03h27m | Aristarchus | Blue glare, rim of W wall | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1950 Jun 29, 05h30m | Aristarchus | Strong bluish glare; E, SE wall | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1950 Jul 26, 02h52m | Aristarchus | Blue glare, base inner W wall | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1950 Jul 31, 04h50m | Aristarchus | Violet glare, E, NE rim | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1950 Aug 28, 04h25m | Aristarchus | Intense blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1951 Jan 21 | E of Lichtenberg | Red patch | Baum | Strol. Astr. 1951 |
1951 Feb 4, 21h00m - 23h00m | W of Endymion; 2hr | Mist over peak | Baum | Baum 1966 |
1951 May 17 | Gassendi | Bright speck of short duration | Wilkins | Moore 1953, p.118 |
1951 Aug 20 | W.H. Pickering (Messier A) | Brilliant white patch inside crater | Moore | Moore 1953, p.147 |
1951 Oct 20 | W.H. Pickering (Messier A) | Bright circular patch | Moore | Moore obs. book |
1952 Apr 3 | N/A | Twenty-one spots were charted, one surrounded by a light area, while three streaks were seen in the NW quarter. | Wilkins, Moore | Wilkins and Moore 1958 |
1952 Apr 4 | Plato | Obscuration of crater floor | Cragg | Moore 1953, 1965 |
1952 Sep 9, 23h00m | Calippus | Broad hazy band of light across floor (observer gave observation low weight | Moore | Moore obs. book |
1952 Dec 24 | Theaetetus | Hazy line of light | Moore | Wilkins and Moore 1958, p.238 |
1953 Apr 18 | N/A | Faint extension of cusps | Wilkins | Wilkins 1954 |
1953 Nov 15, 02h00m | Near Pallas | Very bright spot on illuminated part near terminator seen and photographed | Stuart | Strolling Astr. 1956; Stuart 1957 |
1954 Mar 23 | Atlas | Violet tint in Atlas | Delmotte | Delmotte |
1954 May 10 | Crater in Ptolemaeus | Flash | Firsoff | Firsoff 1962 ed., p.53 |
1954 May 11, 20h00m | Eratosthenes | Central mountain group invisible, though surrounding details very clear | Cattermole | Contrib. by Moore |
1954 Jul 14, 04h39m | Aristarchus | E wall bright spot; violet glare | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1954 Jul 16, 05h35m | Aristarchus | Whole interior of strong violet ting; violet tint in nimbus and N and NE of crater | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1954 Jul 17, 07h05m | Aristarchus | Pale violet tint on surface NE of crater; no color elsewhere | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1954 Jul 24, 07h19m | Aristarchus | Crater filled with pale violet light | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1954 Aug 11, 22h00m | Aristarchus | Brilliant in red (filter), variable | Firsoff | Firsoff 1966 |
1954 Aug 18 | Aristarchus | Brilliant blue-violet glare over E and NE walls | Bartlett | Contrib. by Moore |
1954 Sep 8, 20h00m | Proclus | Brightness variation in blue light | Firsoff | Firsoff 1962 ed., p.83 |
1954 Oct 8, 10 | Timocharis | Red glow | Firsoff | Firsoff 1962, 1966 |
1954 Oct 11, 04h57m | Aristarchus | Violet tint on floor, E wall and central peak; intermittent | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1954 Oct 12, 01h32m | Aristarchus | Pale violet radiance; S wal, SE, E, NE walls; central peak | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1954 Oct 12, 04h09m | Aristarchus | Strong violet tint E half of floor; very faint W half of floor and W wall. Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1954 Oct 13, 02h00m | Aristarchus | Bright blue-violet glare, E rim; pale violet radiance within crater and around S wall bright spot. Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau. | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1954 Oct 13, 05h15m | Aristarchus | Scarcely perceptible violet radiance within crater; wall bands look faint | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1954 Oct 18, 06h47m | Aristarchus | Strong blue-violet glare, E wall bright spot, E wall and on central peak | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1954 Nov 5 | Copernicus | Bright point | Johnstone | Strol. Astr. 1962 |
1954 Nov 7, 23h20m | Kepler | Bright point just outside E wall | Lugo | J.B.A.A. 1955 |
1954 Nov 12, 02h42m | Aristarchus | Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot and whole length of E wall. Suspected violet tint in N and NE of crater; Certainly on plateau. Greatly faded by 05h07m | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1954 Dec 12, 02h44m | Aristarchus | Strong violet glare, E rim, changing to brown | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1955 Jan 8, 00h46m | Aristarchus | Strong violet glare whole length of E rim; brightest SE and around E wall bright spot | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1955 Jan 12, 04h54m | Aristarchus | Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1955 Apr 2, 03h20m - 05h00m | Straight-wall region; ~1 hr 40 min | Small craters between Birt and fault invisible at times under excellent viewing conditions, while craterlets on E side were continually observed | Capen | Capen 1955, 1967 |
1955 Apr 5, 03h20m | Aristarchus | E wall and glacis; violet; uncertain | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1955 Apr 24 | Near Posidonius | White flash of short duration N of Mare Serenitatis near Posidonius | Wykes | Strol. Astr. 1955 |
1955 May 5, 03h30m | Aristarchus | Pale violet tint in E half of floor; violet band at base, E side of central peak | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1955 May 7-8 | Lictenberg | N/A | Nicolini | Azevado 1962 |
1955 May 24 | Near South Pole | "Glitter" suggesting electrical discharge | Firsoff | Firsoff 1962 ed., p.131 |
1955 Jun 25, 20h30m | Theophilus | Mistiness; absent the next night | Firsoff | Firsoff 1962 ed., p.84 |
1955 Jul 3, 22h00m | Schroter's Valley | Starlike point | Firsoff | Firsoff 1962 ed., Pl.X |
1955 Jul 13 | Aristarchus | Brilliant in blue and green | Firsoff | Firsoff 1966 |
1955 Aug 3, 04h50m | Aristarchus | Plateau only; pale violet tint | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1955 Aug 3 | Manilius, Timocharis | Manilius extraordinarily brilliant; Timocharis bright in blue, appears large and diffuse | Firsoff | Firsoff 1966 |
1955 Aug 26 | Near Carpathians; ~35 sec | Bright flare on dark side similar to 2nd mag star | McCorkle | Sky and Tel. 1955 |
1955 Aug 30, 03h40m | Aristarchus | Floor, base inner W wall, NW wall; faint bluish glare | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1955 Sep 7, 03h20m | Copernicus | Brightened in blue | Firsoff | Firsoff 1966 |
1955 Sep 7, 04h52m | Aristarchus | Strong blue-violet glare; E, NE rim; also E base of central peak. Dark violet, nimbus. | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1955 Sep 8, 04h32m | Aristarchus | Strong bluish glare on E, NE wall, on S edge of E wall bright spot, and bordering both edges of the bright floor band, passing around W of central peak. Dark violet tint in nimbus. | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1955 Sep 8 | Taurus Mountains | Two flashes from edge of Taurus Mountains | Lambert | Sky and Tel. 1955 |
1955 Sep 9, 02h58m | Aristarchus | Floor; blue clay color | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1955 Sep 28, 23h00m | Cobrahead | Obscured by brown patch | Bestwick | Contrib. by Moore |
1955 Oct 2, 05h42m | Aristarchus | Violet glare, E, NE rim. Over E wall bright spot resembled a violet mist. Crater itself was hazy; could not get sharp focus. | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1955 Oct 4, 04h55m | Aristarchus | Pale violet tint; E wall bright spot and whole length of E rim; dark violet in nimbus | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1955 Oct 4 | Aristarchus | Spectrum enhanced in H and K region | Kozyrev | Kozyrev 1957 |
1955 Oct 5, 03h44m | Aristarchus | Intensely bright blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE wall | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1955 Oct 31, 00h40m | Aristarchus | Bright blue-violet glare, E, NE rim; dark violet hue in nimbus; pale violet radiance over plateau | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1955 Oct 31, 04h50m | Aristarchus | Intense blue-violet glare, E, NE rim. Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1955 Oct 31, 19h00m | Cobrahead | Dark blue obscuration | Milligan | Contrib. by Moore |
1955 Nov 1, 03h18m | Aristarchus | Pale violet tint; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim, dark violet hue in nimbus | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1955 Nov 6, 05h50m | Aristarchus | Strong blue-violet glare, E, NE wall. Dark violet hue in nimbus | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1955 Nov 27, 02h48m | Aristarchus | Floor; blue clay color | Bartlett | Bartlett 1967 |
1955 | Plato | N/A | Sytinskaya | Azevado 1962 |
1955 | Aristarchus | N/A | Sytinskaya | Azevado 1962 |
1955 | Tycho | N/A | Sytinskaya | Azevado 1962 |
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