1950 - 1955

Date & Time
Feature or Location;
1950 Jun 27, 02h30m Aristarchus Blue glare, base inner W wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1950 Jun 27 Herodotus Bright point in crater Bartlett Strol. Astr. 1962
1950 Jun 28, 03h27m Aristarchus Blue glare, rim of W wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1950 Jun 29, 05h30m Aristarchus Strong bluish glare; E, SE wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1950 Jul 26, 02h52m Aristarchus Blue glare, base inner W wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1950 Jul 31, 04h50m Aristarchus Violet glare, E, NE rim Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1950 Aug 28, 04h25m Aristarchus Intense blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1951 Jan 21 E of Lichtenberg Red patch Baum Strol. Astr. 1951
1951 Feb 4, 21h00m - 23h00m W of Endymion; 2hr Mist over peak Baum Baum 1966
1951 May 17 Gassendi Bright speck of short duration Wilkins Moore 1953, p.118
1951 Aug 20 W.H. Pickering (Messier A) Brilliant white patch inside crater Moore Moore 1953, p.147
1951 Oct 20 W.H. Pickering (Messier A) Bright circular patch Moore Moore obs. book
1952 Apr 3 N/A Twenty-one spots were charted, one surrounded by a light area, while three streaks were seen in the NW quarter. Wilkins, Moore Wilkins and Moore 1958
1952 Apr 4 Plato Obscuration of crater floor Cragg Moore 1953, 1965
1952 Sep 9, 23h00m Calippus Broad hazy band of light across floor (observer gave observation low weight Moore Moore obs. book
1952 Dec 24 Theaetetus Hazy line of light Moore Wilkins and Moore 1958, p.238
1953 Apr 18 N/A Faint extension of cusps Wilkins Wilkins 1954
1953 Nov 15, 02h00m Near Pallas Very bright spot on illuminated part near terminator seen and photographed Stuart Strolling Astr. 1956; Stuart 1957
1954 Mar 23 Atlas Violet tint in Atlas Delmotte Delmotte
1954 May 10 Crater in Ptolemaeus Flash Firsoff Firsoff 1962 ed., p.53
1954 May 11, 20h00m Eratosthenes Central mountain group invisible, though surrounding details very clear Cattermole Contrib. by Moore
1954 Jul 14, 04h39m Aristarchus E wall bright spot; violet glare Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Jul 16, 05h35m Aristarchus Whole interior of strong violet ting; violet tint in nimbus and N and NE of crater Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Jul 17, 07h05m Aristarchus Pale violet tint on surface NE of crater; no color elsewhere Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Jul 24, 07h19m Aristarchus Crater filled with pale violet light Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Aug 11, 22h00m Aristarchus Brilliant in red (filter), variable Firsoff Firsoff 1966
1954 Aug 18 Aristarchus Brilliant blue-violet glare over E and NE walls Bartlett Contrib. by Moore
1954 Sep 8, 20h00m Proclus Brightness variation in blue light Firsoff Firsoff 1962 ed., p.83
1954 Oct 8, 10 Timocharis Red glow Firsoff Firsoff 1962, 1966
1954 Oct 11, 04h57m Aristarchus Violet tint on floor, E wall and central peak; intermittent Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Oct 12, 01h32m Aristarchus Pale violet radiance; S wal, SE, E, NE walls; central peak Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Oct 12, 04h09m Aristarchus Strong violet tint E half of floor; very faint W half of floor and W wall. Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Oct 13, 02h00m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet glare, E rim; pale violet radiance within crater and around S wall bright spot. Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau. Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Oct 13, 05h15m Aristarchus Scarcely perceptible violet radiance within crater; wall bands look faint Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Oct 18, 06h47m Aristarchus Strong blue-violet glare, E wall bright spot, E wall and on central peak Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Nov 5 Copernicus Bright point Johnstone Strol. Astr. 1962
1954 Nov 7, 23h20m Kepler Bright point just outside E wall Lugo J.B.A.A. 1955
1954 Nov 12, 02h42m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot and whole length of E wall. Suspected violet tint in N and NE of crater; Certainly on plateau. Greatly faded by 05h07m Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1954 Dec 12, 02h44m Aristarchus Strong violet glare, E rim, changing to brown Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Jan 8, 00h46m Aristarchus Strong violet glare whole length of E rim; brightest SE and around E wall bright spot Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Jan 12, 04h54m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Apr 2, 03h20m - 05h00m Straight-wall region; ~1 hr 40 min Small craters between Birt and fault invisible at times under excellent viewing conditions, while craterlets on E side were continually observed Capen Capen 1955, 1967
1955 Apr 5, 03h20m Aristarchus E wall and glacis; violet; uncertain Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Apr 24 Near Posidonius White flash of short duration N of Mare Serenitatis near Posidonius Wykes Strol. Astr. 1955
1955 May 5, 03h30m Aristarchus Pale violet tint in E half of floor; violet band at base, E side of central peak Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 May 7-8 Lictenberg N/A Nicolini Azevado 1962
1955 May 24 Near South Pole "Glitter" suggesting electrical discharge Firsoff Firsoff 1962 ed., p.131
1955 Jun 25, 20h30m Theophilus Mistiness; absent the next night Firsoff Firsoff 1962 ed., p.84
1955 Jul 3, 22h00m Schroter's Valley Starlike point Firsoff Firsoff 1962 ed., Pl.X
1955 Jul 13 Aristarchus Brilliant in blue and green Firsoff Firsoff 1966
1955 Aug 3, 04h50m Aristarchus Plateau only; pale violet tint Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Aug 3 Manilius, Timocharis Manilius extraordinarily brilliant; Timocharis bright in blue, appears large and diffuse Firsoff Firsoff 1966
1955 Aug 26 Near Carpathians; ~35 sec Bright flare on dark side similar to 2nd mag star McCorkle Sky and Tel. 1955
1955 Aug 30, 03h40m Aristarchus Floor, base inner W wall, NW wall; faint bluish glare Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Sep 7, 03h20m Copernicus Brightened in blue Firsoff Firsoff 1966
1955 Sep 7, 04h52m Aristarchus Strong blue-violet glare; E, NE rim; also E base of central peak. Dark violet, nimbus. Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Sep 8, 04h32m Aristarchus Strong bluish glare on E, NE wall, on S edge of E wall bright spot, and bordering both edges of the bright floor band, passing around W of central peak. Dark violet tint in nimbus. Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Sep 8 Taurus Mountains Two flashes from edge of Taurus Mountains Lambert Sky and Tel. 1955
1955 Sep 9, 02h58m Aristarchus Floor; blue clay color Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Sep 28, 23h00m Cobrahead Obscured by brown patch Bestwick Contrib. by Moore
1955 Oct 2, 05h42m Aristarchus Violet glare, E, NE rim. Over E wall bright spot resembled a violet mist. Crater itself was hazy; could not get sharp focus. Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Oct 4, 04h55m Aristarchus Pale violet tint; E wall bright spot and whole length of E rim; dark violet in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Oct 4 Aristarchus Spectrum enhanced in H and K region Kozyrev Kozyrev 1957
1955 Oct 5, 03h44m Aristarchus Intensely bright blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Oct 31, 00h40m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet glare, E, NE rim; dark violet hue in nimbus; pale violet radiance over plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Oct 31, 04h50m Aristarchus Intense blue-violet glare, E, NE rim. Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Oct 31, 19h00m Cobrahead Dark blue obscuration Milligan Contrib. by Moore
1955 Nov 1, 03h18m Aristarchus Pale violet tint; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim, dark violet hue in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Nov 6, 05h50m Aristarchus Strong blue-violet glare, E, NE wall. Dark violet hue in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Nov 27, 02h48m Aristarchus Floor; blue clay color Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1955 Plato N/A Sytinskaya Azevado 1962
1955 Aristarchus N/A Sytinskaya Azevado 1962
1955 Tycho N/A Sytinskaya Azevado 1962

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